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AB 2954: Child Care in the General Plan (2002)


AB 2954 (2002) was designed to address the shortage in affordable child care that has plagued the State (and the South Bay and Midpeninsula in particular) for the past several years. It would have required that the Land Use Element of a city or county’s General Plan address the need for child care. The bill would have applied only to newly adopted General Plans.  It was vetoed by the Governor

For more information, you can read the AB 2954 "Fact Sheet" prepared by a member of Senator Simitian's staff.

Final Status and Text

AB 2954 is no longer active. Its final status was:
Vetoed by the Governor

You can read its final text on the Legislature's Bill Information site.

News & Press Releases about AB 2954

04/24/2002 - Simitian Bill to Expand Child Care Opportunities to be Heard in Assembly Committee