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Editorial: Bill to improve chances of breast cancer detection

Thursday, March 29, 2012

San Francisco Chronicle

In an editorial, the San Francisco Chronicle said:

The message that mammograms save lives has resulted in an increase in early detection of breast cancer. But for 40 percent of women who get mammograms, the technology might not detect early-stage cancer because their dense breast tissue masks the cancer cells. Most women do not know whether they have dense breast tissue and that, if they do, they should seek alternatives to mammography, such as ultrasound or MRI screenings.

That’s why state Sen. Joe Simitian, D-Palo Alto, has reintroduced legislation to require physicians to inform their patients if they have highly dense breast tissue. Simitian’s bill passed last year with broad bipartisan support, but Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed it.

View the full story (San Francisco Chronicle)