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Major components of water overhaul pass Senate

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

San Francisco Chronicle

The California Senate on Monday approved major portions of a plan to overhaul the state’s water system, putting the Legislature close to agreement after years of discussions about updating the aging infrastructure.

Legislative leaders say their proposals create “co-equal goals” of a more reliable water supply system for the state and a restored ecosystem in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. The Senate approved a $9.99 billion bond, a new state agency for the delta and a strict water conservation mandate.

State leaders “know that a long history of benign neglect has not served the delta or our state well,” said Sen. Joe Simitian, D-Palo Alto, who sponsored the first bill approved by the Senate. The measure, SB7X 1, was approved on a 29-5 vote and creates a new state agency to oversee the delta that could approve a controversial peripheral canal.

Read the full story on the Chronicle website.