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SB 729: Water quality (2005)


SB 729 (2005) is a measure for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the State Water Resources Control Board and the regional water quality control boards.
Recent evaluations of the state’s enforcement of water quality laws indicate that a number of changes need to be instituted by the state and regional water boards.  The bill encompasses various of those recommendations, including the need to consistently enforce the law, to standardize reporting, and to provide information to the public regarding measures being taken to protect the state’s waters.

Final Status and Text

SB 729 is no longer active. Its final status was:
Signed into Law

You can read its final text on the Legislature's Bill Information site.

Background Information

Hundreds of water bodies in the state have been identified by the US EPA as impaired with the numbers increasing each year.  The state’s clean water is in increasingly short supply.  Reviews of the state and regional water boards indicate that changes need to be made in procedures and policies as a means of ensuring the integrity of the state’s waters.
Need for the Bill:
The bill is necessary as a means to advance procedures within the state board and the regional boards to more efficiently address water quality issues.  At the moment there is insufficient connection between the emergence of water quality problems and rapid responses and action by the boards, due in part, to inadequate procedural rules and practices.