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SB 958: Declining Enrollment (2005)


Under existing law, school districts experiencing a decline in enrollment are only provided one year of protection by allowing those districts to select the greater of current or prior year ADA. After this initial period districts would be forced to quickly adjust to the decline each subsequent year. 

SB 958 (2005) would have provided a “softer landing” by extending the current one-year protection by an additional two years, allowing districts to receive revenue limit funding by averaging up to three prior years of declining enrollment to make necessary financial adjustments to counter the decline. SB 958 would also have provided districts with “turn around” protections by allowing districts to utilize the greater of current or prior year ADA; this provision serves as a mechanism to protect districts’ funding in its first year of enrollment growth.

SB 958 would also have extended declining enrollment protection for county offices of education for appropriate programs.  The bill would have provided the same protection to multi-district SELPAs, as well as address a technical inequity currently faced by multi-district SELPAS by funding a SELPA at the aggregate of its individual districts’ funded ADA as opposed to total ADA.

Final Status and Text

SB 958 is no longer active. Its final status was:
Did not pass the Legislature

You can read its final text on the Legislature's Bill Information site.