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State Senator Argues that RFID Technology Allows the Government to Track Your Whereabouts

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

"These Days" with Tom Fudge, KPBS Radio, 89.5 FM San Diego

What if you lost a child and the authorities could track and find him or her, using radio frequencies? Now, what if authorities could track your movements in the same way, and know whether you were attending, for instance, an anti-war rally. The monitoring ability of RFID, which stands for radio frequency identification, has become a very hot topic lately. So far, it’s a debate that pits the electronics industry against privacy-rights advocates.

This year, concerns about the use of RFID have prompted State Senator Joe Simitian, of Palo Alto, to sponsor legislation. He wants to place real limits on the ability of authorities to use RFID to keep track of people and identify them.

Audio Segment on KPBS Website