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AB 1911: Hands-Free Cell Phone Requirement for CA Drivers (2002)


AB 1911 (2002) would have required California motorists to use a hands-free device when talking on a cell phone while driving.  By requiring drivers to use headsets, ear-pieces, or speaker phones—all of which qualify as “hands free”—the number of cell phone-related distracted-driving accidents would drop, increasing the safety of our roads and saving lives.

For more information, you can read the AB 1911 "Fact Sheet" prepared by a member of Senator Simitian's staff.

Final Status and Text

AB 1911 is no longer active. Its final status was:
Did not pass the Legislature

You can read its final text on the Legislature's Bill Information site.

News & Press Releases about AB 1911

02/22/2010 - Simitian Legislation To Strengthen Hands-Free/Texting Laws

12/07/2009 - Promoting the Car Phone, Despite Risks