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SB 1358: School Finance Equalization (2006)


SB 1358 (2006) would have continued the state’s recent progress toward the true equalization of revenue limits among California’s under-funded school districts – equalization that started with the Serrano decision.

Revenue limits vary across school districts based on historical funding disparities as well as changes in law.  Revenue limit equalization began as a result of the Serrano v. Priest court decisions when the California Supreme Court ordered the state to reduce disparities in school district funding.  Although the last Serrano case was closed in 1986, disparities continue and the Legislature has periodically taken action to address the problem. 

In 2001, AB 441 (Simitian) required the Superintendent of Public Instruction to compute an equalization formula so that lower-funded school districts will receive at least as much base revenue limit funding per student as the top 10% of school districts throughout the state by the 2006-07 fiscal year.  AB 441 provided $40 million as a first down payment toward the equalization target.  In 2002, another $203 million was provided for equalization.

During the 2004-05 budget process, the Legislature and Governor recognized that it would take some $400 million to fully fund revenue limit equalization at the 90th percentile target, and $110 million was appropriated as the first major step toward that goal. 

Sponsored by the Administration in 2006, SB 1358 described the methodology – using current Average Daily Attendance accounting – on which the next phase of equalization would be based.  If SB 1358 had passed and been funded at the $300 million level provided by the Governor’s 2006-07 May Revise budget, fully 4/5ths of the state’s school districts would have received additional equalization dollars.

Final Status and Text

SB 1358 is no longer active. Its final status was:
Did not pass the Legislature

You can read its final text on the Legislature's Bill Information site.

News & Press Releases about SB 1358

02/21/2006 - Simitian Pushes Bi-Partisan Effort to Equalize School Funding