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Safe labor (SB 362 Editorial)

Monday, September 03, 2007

San Francisco Chronicle Editorial

OK, so the system of employer-sponsored health care is disappearing. And pensions sure aren’t what they used to be, either.

But the workers of California can breathe easy about one thing today, at least: the state Legislature has made it illegal for employers to implant identification devices in their skin.

If it sounds like your worst nightmare, that’s because it is. The eyelash-sized devices can be used by employers to identify workers simply by passing a scanner over the implanted body part. At least one employer -, a Cincinnati video surveillance company - has already done this with two of its employees. With about 2,000 people already implanted with the devices, who’s to say it wouldn’t become an ordinary requirement for employment? After all, every employer wants to make sure that his or her employees are where - and who - they say they are.

Full editorial on San Francisco Chronicle website